Taxis in Italy: Everything You Need to Know

Number of taxis and licenses:

In Italy, according to the latest data from the Regulatory Authority for Transport for 2019, there are approximately 23,000 licensed taxis. The number varies depending on the city: in Rome, for example, there are 7,774. This number does not include drivers of so-called noleggio con conducente (NCC), which can only operate by reservation.

How to recognize a taxi:

Taxis in Italy are easily recognizable by their yellow color and the light on the roof. Inside the car, the license number, the applied rates and the taxi driver’s details must be displayed.

How to call a taxi:

There are different ways to call a taxi in Italy:

  • Hailing one on the street: This method is common in large cities, but it may be more difficult in less touristy areas.
  • Calling a radio taxi cooperative: Each city has different radio taxi cooperatives that can be contacted by phone.
  • Using an app: There are several smartphone apps that allow you to book a taxi, such as Free Now, MyTaxi and ItTaxi.


Taxi fares in Italy vary depending on the city, the ride and the time of day. In general, the fare starts when you get on board and includes a base fee, a per kilometer cost and a surcharge for luggage. At night and on holidays, fares may be higher.


Taxis in Italy are required to accept cash, credit card and debit card payments. However, some taxi drivers, especially in tourist areas, may not accept digital payments. It is always advisable to ask the taxi driver before boarding if they accept your preferred payment method.

Dishonest taxi drivers:

Unfortunately, as in any sector, there are also dishonest taxi drivers among them who may try to take advantage of tourists or uninformed customers. Some of the most common practices of dishonest taxi drivers include:

  • Not accepting digital payments and not issuing an invoice: This is a way to evade taxes and make it more difficult for the customer to file a complaint.
  • Charging exorbitant fares: This can happen especially at night or in tourist areas.
  • Extending the journey: This means taking a longer route than necessary to increase the fare of the ride.

Tips for avoiding dishonest taxi drivers:

  • Choose a taxi from a radio taxi cooperative: Radio taxi cooperatives are generally more reliable than taxis that hail on the street.
  • Agree on the price before the ride: This is especially important if you are taking a taxi from a tourist area.
  • Ask for the invoice: The invoice is proof of payment and can be useful in case of disputes.
  • If in doubt, write down the taxi’s license number: This number can be useful for reporting the taxi driver to the authorities.

With a little care and attention, it is possible to avoid dishonest taxi drivers and enjoy a safe and comfortable taxi ride in Italy.

The taxi industry in Italy has long been at the center of controversy and debate. The main criticisms concern:

Scarcity of taxis: In many Italian cities, especially in tourist areas, it is difficult to find a taxi, especially during the evening hours and on weekends. This problem is due to the limited number of licenses issued by local authorities.

Lack of transparency: Taxi fares are not always clear and transparent, and some taxi drivers may try to take advantage of customers, especially tourists. In addition, not all taxis are required to accept digital payments and issue an invoice.

Precarious working conditions: Many taxi drivers are self-employed and do not enjoy adequate social and welfare protection. In addition, unfair competition from noleggio con conducente (NCC) services has put a strain on the sector.

Reform attempts: In recent years, there have been several attempts by the Italian government to reform the taxi sector, with the aim of making it more efficient, transparent and competitive. However, these reforms have met with opposition from many categories of workers, including taxi drivers and NCC drivers.

The current situation: At present, the situation of the taxi sector in Italy remains complex and problematic. Despite some improvements, there are still several critical issues that require structural solutions and constructive dialogue between the various stakeholders.

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